1.space on a page that has deliberately been left empty
1.Whitespace can be inserted between any pair of tokens. Excepting a few encoding details, that completely describes the language.
2.That's because an XML parser has no idea whether that textual data -- that annoying whitespace -- is meant to be important.
3.It turns out that this smokes the regex competition when there is only a bit of whitespace on the ends of the string.
4.To make sure that the capturing group still only matches up to the last non whitespace character, a trailing S is required.
5.Believe it or not, this example is just a single, chained, line of code spread out with whitespace.
6.Although this version is not affected by the overall length of the string, it has its own weakness: long leading and trailing whitespace.
7.DO NOT worry about justifying and aligning the output of each matrix. All entries in a row should be separated by whitespace.
8.In particular, there are only a few places that we may not insert whitespace . One of these is in the middle of a word.
9.If you try to call the split method on your string, it will split on a whitespace character (like the space).
10.Note that in both of these solutions, I had to tell the processor to preserve the whitespace in some of the generated text elements.